Munay- ki activates our Divine Energy Source, turns our sufferings into gold and gifts to share with the world. It allows us to see in the darkness of shadows to reclaim the truth and treasures. Munay -ki is the path of self-discovery and empowerment for the greater good of all souls. It opens the doors for you to step through and reclaim the healer, the wisdom and the teacher you already are.
Munay-ki is a path lite by the power of the highest light LOVE. There are 9 Rites plus the womb Rite
Receive & Activation of the Munay-Ki Rites, each Rite is an initiation of healing, awakening and reclaiming the Sacred Shamaness
Daily embodiment practices to fully integrate the Munay-Ki Rites such as Elemental Dance, Sacred Feminine Dance, Tao Tantra Somatic Movement, Medicine Journeys, Healing Ceremonies, Cleansing & Purification Shamanic practices, Moon & Earth Ceremonies.
Feminine Sacred Arts womb healing and cleansing, life force alchemy, communing with the stars , elements,planets and universal energies to healing and summoning wisdom.
Trance practices to work in the invisible realms to call forward the light vibration, soul fragments and highest destiny for yourself and others.
Channeling the wisdom for your Spirit, Spirit Guides, Ancestors, and Master Teachers.
Rituals for self care and to call upon the energies of the earth such as pachamamma renewal, Elemental Rituals, Kundalini Rituals.
Ancient Breath Techniques to use for healing such as the elements, light, zig zag, spirit breathing and much more.
Discover and create your unique medicine, Work with Spirit to receive the energy of your medicine.
Sound, drumming, bowls, mantra, your own sounds
Free your inner mystic|Be your own Healer|Awaken your Medicine|Free your Spirit
Day one
Inner Child & Ancestors
Group Healing
Ancestor Healing
Limpa and Fire Cleansing Ceremony
Holistic Alchemy Rhythm Dance
Sacred Sound Bath
Connecting to your Nature Parents
Receive Healers Rite
Day 2
Inner Alchemy
Dance and Movement to embody the elements
Changing the alchemy in your body
Tao Microcosmic Orbit Meditation
Pachamama Renewal
Element Despacho Ceremony
Receive Bands of Protection & Harmony Rites
Day 3
Honoring our Sacred Feminine Energetics
Sacred Feminine Healing
Womb Cleansing by Steaming Plant Medicine
Water Ceremony
Receive the Womb & Day Keepers Rite
Lighting up the Darkness Medicine Journey
Day 4
Elixir of Life
Qi-Gong and & Shamanic Movement
Taoist and Shamanic Energetic Healing Practices
Shamanic & Taoist Breathing Practices
Self-Ceremony & Rituals
Earth Medicine Making
Receive Seers & Creators Rite
Focus of Training:
The training is for lightworkers, healers and yoga teachers and spiritual seekers who are looking to deepen there own connection to Divine Source to connect back into receiving your unique teachings, and healings for yourself and others.
Learn to trust yourself even more when you see or receive the messages when partnering with Source and bring forward visions to manifest in the here and now.
Learn to help others to transform through ceremony, rituals, rites and Energy Source Alignment
Our emphasis is on Sacred Self, Empowerment, Healing, Rites, Ceremony, Intuition , Shamanic Energy Medicine and Self Mastery
This training is not about the how to's but the experience and awareness of the medicine that will come to you.
This training is about you accessing your own medicine that lays dormant within you.
My intention is to create a space and door that allows you to access this within yourself.
I will be calling in the Ancient Practices of Shamanic QiGong-Internal Arts, Ceremony, Rituals, Medicine Movement
Various teachings of Energy Medicine. Most importantly I will be calling in your higher self so that you may trust
yourself through the process and feel empowered.
This is a journey for your Soul & Spirit
Feel the rivers runs through your body
Feel the earth running through your soles of your feet
The Strength to walk through the fire transforming your suffering into gold
The winds whispers sharing the secrets in your ears of what is to come your destiny