Embodying & Awakening to your Sacred Self & Medicine
The Medicine Compass is an inner medicine journey and initiation through the Munay-Ki Rites, Shamanic Energy Medicine, Sacred Feminine Healing Arts and Shamanic Qi Ritual Movements. You will learn by experiencing and working with movement, energy, ceremony and rituals. As you come back into you body you can witness the great mystery of yourself, understand the language of your own soul, and start to receive message from your Spirit.
We enter the compass with The Sacred Healing, then move into The Re-Birthing, cultivate The Wisdom Seer, and finally arrive at The Co-Creator. Through each direction, you will learn how to assist yourself and others to leave the past behind, free ancestral wounding, reconnect to your own medicine, and remap your destiny. This journey begins as a walk towards the direction of Raising Light on this Earth, through Love. Connect to the subtle language of the Elements, Stars, Sun, Moon and Spirit, and Divine Energy.
I give thanks and gratitude to these beautiful masters and teachers who have shared and trusted me with this wisdom. Through my wisdom and Visions I have infused embodiment teachings so you may feel it within so that you may feel empowered to shift your own energetic bodies and become your own healer. The teachings will awaken your Medicine within and guide you to your destiny. Through this experience you will heal, come back into your body, learn the ways of the ancient medicine for the modern women today.
The South Direction - The Way of the Sacred Healer
Learn to shed the stories of the past that hold your Radiant Energy field frozen in that time attached to the wounds. You will experience turning those wounds into wisdom and strength through receiving the Healers and Harmony Rites. Through Ceremony we will cleanse the radiate energy field, release dense energy and restore the radiant light within the field. Work with plant medicine as a tool and practice for cleansing. Connect to the light being healers of the past to guide and assist you on your journey. Infuse your power stones with the sacred medicine of the South to use as one of your healer’s tools. Learn the energy techniques of self practice for tuning in, clearing, and upgrading your radiant energy field. Learn the energy patterns of the Earth Element and work with the Snake Energy of Shedding as part of your medicine tools.
Community Blessing Ceremony
The West Direction – The Way of Transformation (Re-Birthing)
In this direction we learn to walk bravely in the darkness with light and delve into the ancestral patterns. We unlearn the conditioning that may have been put upon us or inherited freeing ourselves from passing this on to future generations. We untangle the imprints that no longer belong to us. Through ceremony you will be receiving the Bands of Protection & Seer & Day Keeper Rite and infuse your power stones with the sacred medicine of the West. Learn the energy technique to extract energetic imprints from your radiant energy field. Learn the energy patterns of the Water Element and work with Puma Energy to be fearless of the shadows in the dark. Learn to honor your feminine energy and connect to he female energies of pachamama, the moon and stars.
Community Power Retrieval Ceremony
The North Direction – The Way of the Wisdom Seer
In this direction we learn to soar with our soul, we enter the stillness of our soul and dream a new life into being. We first shed our identities and retrieve our soul fragments to prepare us for this mystical journey. We will work in the invisible Realms of Light to understand and review our Soul Contracts. In this realm we will have the opportunity to bring back messages from those contracts to help us navigate our time on this earth with ease, peace and purpose. Through ceremony you will be receiving the Wisdom Day and Earth Keepers Rite. Learn the energy technique of Medicine Vision and Soul Retrieval. Learn to work with the energy patterns of Air /Wind and call upon the energy of the Humming Bird to know the sweetest life has to offer us. Learn the Flowering Bath Ritual for abundance and expansion of your medicine.
Community Rainbow Bridge Ceremony
The East Direction - The Co-Creator
In the East direction we learn to go beyond the old self and See everything differently. Through the Creator and Seer Rites Ceremony we will learn to communicate with Spirit and trust that the Visions they provide us is for our highest good and those around us. Learn to call you alter within you wherever you may go. Learn the energy patterns of Fire and call upon the energy of the great Condor Energy to bring the Light from Divine to us.
Community Pleiades Star Ceremony.