Shamaness Alchemy Series
SHAMANESS ALCHEMY SERIES: Taking the wisdom of ancient teachings of Shamanic Energy, Inner Alchemy QiQong, Sacred/Trance Dance, Ceremonies, Rites, Rituals and Tao together for a path to embrace and unite both light and darkness to reclaim your unique medicine and healings. When you open the energy portals to your unique mystical wisdom anything is possible. There are three treasures within you waiting to be activated and connected called the Elixir Fields.
Teaching and practicing these ancient alchemy ways allows me to get closer to my highest self & my mission to help facilitate women to awaken to the medicine within themselves to restore peace on earth. To help women reach deeper within themselves and leave their loving touch on the earth. To teach the next generation how to connect within themselves, mother earth, father sky and heavenly vibrations. To call upon your power within to heal ancestral wounds and awaken to magic all around you. Together we can create heaven on earth and lift the light in humanity as it was always meant to be.
To learn that live is a ceremony waiting to be expressed through you.
My tools of embodiment and activation are ancient tools of the alchemy mystics who used ceremonies, inner alchemy,qigong, dance, rituals, connection, energy medicine steeped in ancient sacred wisdom of our ancestors, the goddess who came before us and knew how precious these gifts were. Those who came before us who lived off the land, who played in the garden of mother earth and swam in the wisdom of the oceans. A time of love and compassion and lifting each others light.
In these Shamaness Alchemy series you will learn to call upon your spirit guides, shape shift your energy to raise your vibration, come back into the body to activate the ancient medicine with your bones, and DNA, call on the ancestors for healing and guidance, learn about ceremonies to heal and bless. Learn to communicate with the stars, moon and elements and learn sacred body geometry.
All of what I do is to assist people to see how loved and empowered they already are. To help them to peel back the layers of illusion and to see the truth of who they are and discover the amazing medicine they hold in their hearts to share with others. To help them to trust their inner guidance and connection with earth, sky and divine. Through providing love, support, healing, and sacred space you Remember.
About Corrina Choe
Corrina brings a wealth of wisdom by channeling and tracking energy. By walking the Shamaness path she becomes one with everything. She is known for helping women embody their medicine, connecting to the higher realms of light vibration. She helps you be back in your spiritual body and all who work with her heal, awaken to their highest self and feel empowered. She has weaved together teachings that will allow you to access your medicine, heal and awaken in a modern way.